4.0 英语 · 2025 · 美国 · 剧情片
卡特琳娜·格兰厄姆,梅根·坦迪,泰勒·莱普利,RonReaco Lee,Joshua Adeyeye,Nick Barrotta,吉米·坦顿,Shannon LaNier,Kim Steele,Betty Mitchell,安吉拉·哈里里,Kearia Schroeder,Marcia Harvey,Shyann Malone,贾德·罗德曼,Wendell Scott Jr.,Crystal Bu
The movie follows Fela Blackburn, whose life is shattered when she loses her husband, Rodney Blackburn, at the hands of a police officer. Determined to get to the bottom of the incident and seek justice, she leans on her best friend, Marley Wells, who is a lawyer, and her husband, Tony Wells, who is a former cop turned private investigator, to use their influence to find the truth. But as the truth unfolds, Fela learns that her entire world is rooted in lies and betrayal.
5.0 英语 · 2025 · 美国 · 剧情片
卡特琳娜·格兰厄姆,梅根·坦迪,泰勒·莱普利,RonReaco Lee,Joshua Adeyeye,Nick Barrotta,吉米·坦顿,Shannon LaNier,Kim Steele,Betty Mitchell,安吉拉·哈里里,Kearia Schroeder,Marcia Harvey,Shyann Malone,贾德·罗德曼,Wendell Scott Jr.,Crystal Bu
The movie follows Fela Blackburn, whose life is shattered when she loses her husband, Rodney Blackburn, at the hands of a police officer. Determined to get to the bottom of the incident and seek justice, she leans on her best friend, Marley Wells, who is a lawyer, and her husband, Tony Wells, who is a former cop turned private investigator, to use their influence to find the truth. But as the truth unfolds, Fela learns that her entire world is rooted in lies and betrayal.
3.0 英语 · 2020 · 美国 · 喜剧片
塔拉吉·P·汉森,艾德·赫尔姆斯,杰西·哈奇,贝蒂·吉尔平,大卫·艾兰·格里尔,钱斯·赫斯菲尔德,安德鲁·巴切勒,弗雷泽·艾奇逊,舍治·哈德,Samantha Cole,Terrence Little Gardenhigh,RonReaco Lee,Garfield Wilson,Frankie Hopkins,Caitlin Mitchell-Markovitch,Adam Thomas
警官詹姆斯·考菲(艾德·赫尔姆斯饰)很享受与凡妮莎·曼宁(塔拉吉·P·汉森饰)的新恋情,而凡妮莎 12 岁的爱子卡利姆(特伦斯·小加登海伊饰)则策划让他们分手。为了把妈妈的男朋友永远吓跑,卡里姆试图雇佣逃犯将他带走,但却意外地揭开了一个犯罪活动的秘密网络,使他的家人成为最新的目标。为了保护凡妮莎,卡里姆心不甘情不愿地与考菲联手在底特律展开了一场危险的追逐。导演迈克尔·道斯(《优步危机》《冰球坏小子》)执导的《考菲和卡利姆》是一部动作喜剧片,讲述了意外结下的友谊。联合主演:贝蒂·吉尔平、罗恩雷科·李、安德鲁·巴切勒和大卫·艾兰·格里尔。