7.0 俄语 · 2019 · 俄罗斯 · 动作片
阿雷克西·查多夫,彼得·费奥多罗夫,斯维特兰娜·伊万诺娃,Lukerya Ilyashenko,克塞妮娅·库捷波娃,康斯坦丁·拉夫罗年科,菲利普·阿德耶夫,阿尔乔姆·特卡琴科,尤里·鲍里索夫,Maksim Artamonov,Mikhail Bondin,Viktoriya Borisova,Oleg Boyko,奥列格·楚古诺夫,Simon Dobravets,马克西姆·埃米利亚诺夫,谢尔盖·戈
6.0 其它 · 2018 · 俄罗斯 · 剧情片
弗拉季斯拉夫·阿巴申,德尼斯·什韦多夫,安德烈·斯莫利亚科夫,Ivan Yankovskiy,Sergey Sosnovskiy,阿列克谢·法迪耶夫,亚历山大·布哈罗夫,德米特里·库利奇科夫,Yuriy Tarasov,Aleksey Komashko,Ilya Sokolovskiy
电影«Завод»是导演Юрий Быков 2019年指导的一部现实主义的题材的电影,与上一部电影«Дурак»(危楼愚夫)一样,导演关注俄罗斯社会的底层阶级的悲苦生活,经济寡头毫无人性的巧取豪夺,政府官员的贪婪腐败,以及战争对退伍士兵留下的不可磨灭的心理创伤。 资本家为追求更高利润解雇了工人,甚至工资也延后半年发放。工人们即将失去收入来源,无法维持生计。被逼入绝境的六位工人们铤而走险,决定抢劫工厂老板康斯坦金·迪米特里耶维奇(下称卡卢金),找他讨要拖欠的工资。故事便由此展开
5.0 印度尼西亚语 · 2024 · 印度尼西亚 · 恐怖片
Hana Malasan,Zara Leola,Kiki Narendra,卜提·阿尤蒂雅,Yama Carlos,Fadly Faisal,鲁思·马里尼,Sahira Anjani,Totos Rasiti,Agnes Naomi,Ilyas Bachtiar
开心出游,小心搭上人生殁班车… 为了庆祝自己癌症好转,月儿(哈娜普林蒂娜 饰)邀请妹妹小花(札拉莱奥拉 饰)一同前往深山渡假村散心。当她们搭上直达渡假村的「桑卡拉列车」时,恐怖怪事接踵而至,火车监视器惊见骇人异象。更可怕的是,每次经过隧道,就有一节车厢惨遭血腥浩劫,接着消失不见…. 隧道内藏了什么?而这台列车的终点站竟是…?
7.0 其它 · 2022 · 俄罗斯 · 恐怖片
Lukerya Ilyashenko,Denis Gilmanov,Evgeniy Kharitonov,Georgiy Kudrenko,Anastasiya Kuvshinova,Kseniya Nekrasova,Ekaterina Semenova,Pavel Sergiyenko,奥列格·瓦西里科夫,Tatyana Yakovenko
6.0 俄语 · 2016 · 俄罗斯 · 犯罪片
安娜·奇波夫斯卡娅,彼得·费奥多罗夫,Konstantin Yushkevich,Ilya Lyubimov,亚历山大·亚森科,叶夫根尼娅·马拉霍娃,Dmitry Brauer,柳德米拉·丘尔辛娜,阿列克谢·巴拉巴什,Leonid Mozgovoy,Vladimir Kapustin,Aleksandr Sirin,Jirí Wohanka,阿纳托利·比利,Vladimir Kalisanov,阿
6.0 其它 · 2024 · 俄罗斯 · 恐怖片
玛丽安娜·斯皮瓦克,阿图尔·贝沙斯特尼,伊戈尔·格拉布佐夫,索菲亚·什德洛夫斯卡娅,Valeria Kot,Sergey Safronov,阿尔乔姆·法德耶夫,Ilya Vinogorskiy,Ravil Batyrov,Aleksey Lysenko,Ivan Goryachev,Kolya Noekyoln,Andrey Knyazev,Kirill Rusin,Marina Grishako
Mara, an ancient pagan spirit, hunts a group of teenagers taking their body parts to be reborn. A disillusioned and desperate investigator has to face his deepest fears to save the teenagers.
3.0 其它 · 2022 · 俄罗斯 · 剧情片
Lukerya Ilyashenko,Denis Gilmanov,Evgeniy Kharitonov,Georgiy Kudrenko,Anastasiya Kuvshinova,Kseniya Nekrasova,Ekaterina Semenova,Pavel Sergiyenko,奥列格·瓦西里科夫,Tatyana Yakovenko
Forensic scientist Lisa is obsessed with the beauty of the human body, and believes that physical love heals, gives relief from the burden of trauma and problems. Therefore, she leads an extremely free lifestyle and quite often enters into casual relationships for one night. But one day on the sectional table in front of Lisa is the body of a girl with whom she spent the night the night before. A photograph of an unknown man is printed on the body of the victim.
3.0 其它 · 2023 · 其它 · 剧情片
图林·奥曾,奥古尔肯·阿尔曼·乌斯鲁,古尔辛·库图尔·沙欣,维达·伊瑞辛,埃尔登姆·塞诺卡克,Mucahit Kocak,Nilufer Alptekin,Ilyas Özçakir,Güliz Gençoglu,Okan Avci,Mehmet Solmaz,Buket Gulbeyaz,Mustafa Elikoglu,Hakan Kahraman,Emrah Özdemir, 古尔辛·哈蒂汗
8.0 英语 · 2014 · 英国 · 剧情片
Nicole Madjarov,Peter O'Toole,Steven Berkoff,Joss Ackland
Katherine of Alexandria, brought up as a nomad and living in the desert, was aged just 11 when Emperor Maxentius saw her whilst out on patrol. Consumed by her beauty, impudence and uncanny talent for languages, he abducted the child, killing her family. The slaughter was witnessed by her young friend, Constantine, who would later become Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. He never lost hope of finding Katherine. As a young woman, Katherine refused to submit to Maxentius' offers of marriage and she continually denounced his brutal enforcement of pagan religion upon the masses. Still obsessed with her beauty, Maxentius brought Katherine before 50 of Rome's finest scholars in an open court in Alexandria, where she eloquently demolished their arguments. When Constantine learned of Katherine's whereabouts and imprisonment at the hands of Maxentius, he led his army from York in a desperate bid to save her.
2.0 俄语 · 2020 · 俄罗斯 · 剧情片
安娜·奇波夫斯卡娅,Denis Donskoy,Sergey Dvoynikov,菲利普·德亚奇科夫,Olga Fedotova,波琳娜·古赫曼,Olga Gulevich,Irina Ilin,Arseniy Korotkov,Sergey Kuznetsov,伊里斯·伊万诺娃,Aleksey Maksimenkov,亚历山大·米泽夫,Ilya Pavlov,Valentina Roslavts
13岁的玛莎(安娜·奇波夫斯卡娅 Anya Chipovskaya 饰)在拳击台和街头之间度过了她的童年。她的朋友们并非寻常之辈,而是那些在90年代饱受城市唾弃的人,他们以杀戮和抢劫为生,然而对于玛莎而言,他们却是她生命中最亲密、最守护的人。在一个充满动荡和挑战的年代,玛莎与这些街头兄弟结成了牢固的联盟,她以优美的爵士乐声为他们伴奏,同时怀揣成为歌手的梦想。然而,随着时间的推移,玛莎开始逐渐意识到她的朋友们的真实身份,以及他们对她生活和家庭带来的深远影响。 成年后,玛莎毅然离开了那个充满罪恶和暴力的小镇,她来到莫斯科,试图在这个繁华城市中重新开始。她努力追寻音乐的梦想,希望逐渐抹去童年时那些阴霾的痕迹。然而,命运似乎注定她无法摆脱过去。在某个命运交汇的时刻,玛莎被迫回到她曾经度过童年的地方,面对旧日的伙伴和那些曾经共同经历的艰难岁月。现在,玛莎必须直...
2.0 俄语Russian · 2015 · 俄罗斯 · 美剧
玛丽娜·亚历山德罗娃,伊戈尔·别特连科,Galina Petrova,弗拉基米尔·歇夫里科夫,Nikolay Ivanov,欧嘉·苏图洛娃,Roman Perelygin,Ilya Ankudinov,Svetlana Khomich,Vyacheslav Grigoryev,Leonid Paranin,Sergey Nevidimov,Catherine Komlev,Gosh Gajewsk
Musical retro romance. Claudia Koval came to Leningrad from Poland with one goal - to get as much knowledge, so it is with the head immersed in their studies. Its motto - "You can not feel sorry for yourself." But fate has prepared her a very different future - it is destined to become a famous singer. About this glory is a dream, because it will know not only in the USSR but a...
2.0 俄语 · 2022 · 俄罗斯 · 动作片
克里斯蒂娜·阿斯姆斯,Jalil Asretov,谢尔盖·博里索夫,阿雷克西·查多夫,Ilya Dombrovskiy,Andrey Fomin,Ola Keyru,Wilfred Keyru,维塔利·基什琴科,尼基塔·科洛格利维,Stanislav Kolomoets,Petr Korolev,Alexander Krasovsky,Julia Kubina,Eugenia Lezgintsev
7.0 其它 · 2016 · 俄罗斯 · 恐怖片
安娜·奇波夫斯卡娅,彼得·费奥多罗夫,Konstantin Yushkevich,Ilya Lyubimov,亚历山大·亚森科,叶夫根尼娅·马拉霍娃,Dmitry Brauer,柳德米拉·丘尔辛娜,阿列克谢·巴拉巴什,Leonid Mozgovoy,Vladimir Kapustin,Aleksandr Sirin,Jirí Wohanka,阿纳托利·比利,Vladimir Kalisanov,阿
5.0 英语 · 2016 · 英国 · 喜剧片
With ruthless US and Japanese investment banks circling Tuftons, a struggling two-hundred-year-old, family-run British bank, can its bumbling, incompetent chairman, Sir Charles Bunbury, fend off the onslaught and save the bank?
7.0 英语 · 2022 · 其它 · 动作片
汤姆·贝伦杰,迈克尔·加·怀特,路易·曼迪勒,迈克尔·科彭,Gabriela Quezada,吉利安·伊利亚纳·沃特斯,罗伯托·桑切斯,卢卡·奥利尔,马里奥·萨拉格萨,吉尔莫·伊万,毛里西奥·门多萨,S.E.佩里,Dillon Wilson,文森特·迪保罗,Ilya Rusak,安德鲁·达兹
Bryant (Michael Jai White), a man with a mysterious past moves to a small Mexican border-town to start over and live the simple life. While there, he reluctantly befriends a troubled local teen who has recently lost his mother and is being recruited by the local street gang. Bryant keeps the boy on the straight and narrow by introducing him to martial arts and taking on the role of mentor, teacher and father-figure. As the story unfolds we learn that Bryant is much more than a man who moved to Mexico to live the simple life. Bryant is running from a complex, violent past that he believes he left behind. As his past catches up with him, he is forced into a life and death struggle to clear his name, save the boy and get back all that he left behind.
7.0 · 2013 · 俄罗斯 · 悬疑片