7.0 其它 · 1999 · 美国 · 剧情片
Marc Donato,Bruce Davison,Bonnie Bedelia
Runtime: 90 min A story of a young boy who becomes an elective mute after witnessing what he believes to be the killing by his older brother of a teenage boy. The young boy's brother then tells him not to say anything because of the trouble it would cause in the family... so he doesn't say anything again. The problem is that the young boy so enjoys his acceptance by others of his mutism that it brings his family, a loving and caring farm family, to the brink of financial ruin in medical and psychological costs to cure him. Based on a true story, this is the intelligent telling of a family in crisis, and the work of doctors in dealing with this mental illness. 这部电视电影改编自真人真事,对于小孩子复杂微妙的心理问题有细腻刻划。故事主人翁史蒂芬有一天突然不说话了,父亲吉姆和母亲莉迪亚感到十分烦恼。为了探究儿子为何不说话的真相,父母亲花了很多钱请心理医生对他进行治疗,经过长期的耐心沟通之后终于揭开了史蒂芬心中的秘密。原来他曾经目睹哥哥被杀的过程,少年凶手的兄弟警告他不能声张,否则会对他全家不利,于是,史蒂芬选择了什么话都不谈。导演布鲁斯.皮特曼以敏锐的感觉描写一个本来亲密的家庭一旦遭逢危机时的因应之道,喜欢《凡夫俗子》的观众应该也会欣赏本片。
7.0 英语 · 2008 · 美国 · 科幻片
Justin Bruening,Deanna Russo,Bruce Davison
Knight Rider is a 2008 television film which was created to serve as a backdoor pilot for the new Knight Rider television series, a revival of the series of the same name which aired during the 1980s. This film does not refer to either the Knight Rider 2000 film or the Team Knight Rider television series.
8.0 英语 · 2010 · 美国 · 动作片
Shane Van Dyke,Marie Westbrook,Bruce Davison,Brooke Burns,Michelle Glavan,Carey Van Dyke,D.C. Douglas,Dylan Vox,Wittly Jourdan,Myles Cranford,Joshua Michael,Matt Wise,Michael Gaglio,Kendra Sue Waldman
On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's path, the passengers and crew must fight to avoid a similar fate.
2.0 英语 · 2014 · 美国 · 爱情片
马丁·斯塔尔,Dina Shihabi,保罗·韦斯利,莱斯·纳克里,大卫·拉斯彻,Ross Marquand,Taylor Wilcox,克莱尔·伯恩,Teddy Cañez,James Chen,Ben Cole,Bruce Davis,Kate Easton,丹尼尔·福克斯,Meg Gibson
An army veteran attempts to assimilate back into a country he barely recognizes while trying to win the heart of an Iraqi immigrant who is on the verge of being deported.
8.0 英语 · 1995 · 美国 · 剧情片
Mimi Rogers,Bruce Davison,Jesse Bradford
安格斯(杰西·布拉德福特 Jesse Bradford 饰)是一个性格略微有些内向的少年,一天,他在路上偶然邂逅了一条拉布拉多小狗,安格斯将小狗带回了家,取名为耶鲁。哪知道,耶鲁的存在遭到了安格斯家人的强烈反对,父亲约翰(布鲁斯·戴维森 Bruce Davison 饰)甚至准备将耶鲁送到动物保护中心去。最终,在安格斯的一再恳求下,耶鲁留在了这个家里,成为了家庭中的一份子。 一天,安格斯带着耶鲁,跟随着父亲一起扬帆出海,哪知道遇到了飓风,船被掀翻了。最终获救的只有约翰一人,安格斯和耶鲁失踪了。实际上,他们并没有被大海吞噬,而是漂流岛到了一座荒岛上,在这里,安格斯和耶鲁要凭借着他们充沛的野外生存知识存活下去,等待救援。
6.0 英语 · 1971 · 美国 · 恐怖片
Bruce Davison
威拉德是一个性格孤僻内向,不善与人沟通的小公司职员,家门外的生活对他来说只能是一团糟.反映迟钝,笨手笨脚,使他成为公司同事们的笑柄.尽管偶尔可以换来女士怜悯的眼光,但老板与同事们的嘲笑和排挤已将威拉德与社会愈推愈远.如此残酷的生活现实令威拉德更为珍惜自己唯一的'朋友'- -两只智力过人分别名叫本和苏格拉底的老鼠. 或许几只小小的老鼠在常人眼中看起来只是一件不起眼甚至略带恶心的小事,但这却是威拉德唯一珍爱的寄托.因此,当威拉德挚爱'鼠友'苏格拉底惨死在公司同事的脚下时,痛失爱鼠心如刀割的威拉德与苏格拉底的遗孀本,便下定决心率领鼠军想平日的仇人发动一场终极审判.这一队无孔不入的复仇大军既有指挥又有决心,不但猫儿见到只能退避三舍,即使人类也同样只有束手无策.誓言血债血还,死窄死来还的威拉德鼠军,就次掀起了一场场腥风血雨.